Sunday, August 24, 2014

Digest this ...

Aug. 19, 2014

We're quickly discovering that to learn Tai Chi is to learn intimately how the body works and moves, including how to eat and live. Every move - every hand and foot position in relation to other body parts - creates balance and strength. Sifu D is patient enough to show us how slightly moving a foot or hand increases stability, or how moving from the hips moves the rest of the body without excess effort. He takes each person's individual condition into consideration as he prepares a class and incorporates acupressure points or moves that will help each person. I was getting dizzy when bending down from the hips and then raising hands overhead; he gave me alternative moves that don't drop the head below the knees and also showed me some acupressure points and other moves that help normalize blood pressure. We visited after class about a friend I told about the class who said he planned to come to today's seated class. As we talked about my friend's health issues, the conversation turned to diet, particularly acid/pH balance. I know all about acidosis and have been working to raise my pH for some time. My current fibro doctor finally said to forget about the pH until we get Candida and mercury toxicity under control. Sifu wasn't very familiar with Candida and said he would ask his Master for some direction. 

As soon as we got to class this morning, Sifu had some info from his Master about acupressure points for low BP and diet suggestions, particularly combining foods. I've heard of it, but I couldn't remember what it is. Basically, it's not combining foods that have different digestive requirements. Proteins require intense amounts of acid to break down, while starches require an alkaline digestive medium.  The theory is that when starches and proteins are eaten together, the acid and alkaline neutralize each other, and the food passes into the body undigested. Fruit is mechanically digested in the stomach, but chemical digestion doesn't take place until it reaches the last stages of the small intestine, so if eaten with or after a meal, it sits on top of the other undigested food and starts to rot, as it's not being digested. All of that causes bloating and gas and an unhealthy digestive tract. Sifu said that people with a healthy digestive system don't have to worry as much about combining foods, but anyone with a lot of gas, bloating, and known digestive issues (including Candida) can benefit from combining foods.

I came home from class and do what I do: Google and read. I looked up "Combining Foods" and the most coherent, sensible article I found was I've read all kinds of excoriating articles about Dr. Joseph Mercola - the usual quackwatch stuff. But every time I search an alternative-medicine topic, I wind up at his site and find information that doesn't sound fringe or weird at all. Since the Candida Diet hasn't done much for me, nor have antifungal drugs, I've been doing some things to improve gut health, namely adding some resistant starch and beefier probiotics. I'll give food combining a go and see how I feel.

Today's smile: 

A thank-you note handwritten by Grandson #1, all 5 years of him. He has a good Mommy teaching him to do such things :-)

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